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We have now launched our Safe Harbors Members Site!

To become a Safe Harbors member, you must first qualify to join the Trauma Cohorts by attending the full 2-day training on Dissociative Identity Disorder. If you are viewing this page, you have completed this task!!

Once you qualify for the Trauma Cohorts you can work towards becoming a Safe Harbors Member.

The purpose of the Safe Harbors Membership is to establish a group of Community Caregivers that is trained in working with severe trauma and dissociation, and who is committed to on-going learning on these topics. We prioritize relationship in our model for working with these severe issues. We believe we find strength, wisdom, and knowledge best when working in community to help these wounded people.

In order to be a Safe Harbors member, you must meet these three qualifications:

1) be a follower of Jesus Christ

2) work on your own or as a part of an organization serving individuals in the community as a Community Caregiver*

3) attend at least 2 in-person Trauma Cohort events at the Trauma Healing Center each calendar year.

This membership renews annually. Upon review, those who meet all three qualifications will automatically be approved for Safe Harbors Membership giving you access to the Safe Harbors Members portion of this website.

Benefits of Safe Harbor Membership

Those who qualify for Safe Harbors Membership will have exclusive access to training videos, blogs, and a community of other people who are pursuing healing for the people they serve. We will have a special area designated for communicating with each other to request referral information, resource recommendations, and questions on clinical as well as spiritual topics related to your work with the community.


THERE ARE STILL OPPORTUNTIES TO PARTICIPATE! We have dozens of people who are not local to the Trauma Healing Center and may not not able to attend in-person events. We do offer many of our trainings virtually. Because our Safe Harbors model is strongly based on relationship, in-person attendance is important to become a Safe Harbors Member. As we grow our resources, we plan to add more opportunities for our non-local community to join events and to eventually become a full Safe Harbors Member.

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